MPLSE (pronounced "m-pulse") is the Michigan Programming Languages and Software Engineering community.
MPLSE is organizing the Midwest Programming Languages Summit 2023 (MWPLS 2023) at Michigan on October 6, 2023.
Cyrus Omar Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering FP Lab · Webpage · Twitter
Interests: live programming environments, functional programming, type systems, program synthesis, theorem provers
Jean-Baptiste Jeannin Assistant Professor Aerospace Engineering Webpage
Interests: verification of cyber-physical systems, logic and semantics, functional programming, type systems, theorem provers
Karem A. Sakallah Professor Computer Science and Engineering Webpage
Interests: program verification, model checking, distributed systems, graphs
Manos Kapritsos Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering Webpage
Interests: distributed systems, formal methods, concurrency, cryptographic protocols,
Max S. New Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering Webpage
Interests: programming language foundations, category theory, gradual typing, language interoperability
Satish Narayanasamy Professor Computer Science and Engineering Webpage
Interests: program analysis, computer architecture, precision health, security
Stephen Oney Associate Professor School of Information Webpage
Interests: programming environments, HCI, web programming, end-user programming, accessibility, software engineering
Westley Weimer Professor Computer Science and Engineering Webpage
Interests: program repair, program analysis, cognitive science, software engineering, programming languages
Xinyu Wang Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering Webpage
Interests: program synthesis, program analysis/verification, programming languages, software engineering, formal methods
Yatin Manerkar Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering Webpage
Interests: computer architecture, formal methods, systems, heterogeneous parallel hardware, hardware security, memory consistency models (MCMs), cache coherence, and ethical AI
Amir Kamil Lecturer Computer Science and Engineering Webpage
Interests: computer science education, programming models, program analysis, languages, compilers for parallel computing
In addition to the core faculty above, there are a number of other faculty who develop and apply PL and SE techniques to problems in various other research areas.
Jason Flinn Systems
H. V. Jagadish Systems, Databases
Lingjia Tang Systems, AI
Mark Guzdial Education
Michael Cafarella Systems, Databases
Necmiye Ozay Cyber-Physical Systems
Scott Mahlke Systems, Architecture
Thomas F. Wenisch Architecture
Todd Austin Architecture
Stéphane Lafortune Cyber-Physical Systems
Valeria Bertacco Architecture